dimanche 23 mars 2008

How I met your mother : the shortest the better

Have your dad tell how he met your mother? Ask him, it could be a greater story than you think, and you could learn a lot of how he was when he was younger!

Not far from "Friends" at first sight, the series is way more interesting and funny! The main character Ted is looking for the girl of his life and he his helped by his friends :
Barney : a buisnessman always suited up (it's his tool to catch girls) who live to have one girl a night and has all the techniques in order to do it, moral or not. He has a way of making his sentence like anything inimportant become important.
Lily : Ted's best friend is kinda the way of reason
Marshal : is lily's husband, Ted's roomate since college

The series is intended for everybody and everybody loves it, so keep your friends at home and watch it with them!


Weeds : once a dealer, always a dealer ! 19/20

Would you say that a drug dealer could be a young, pretty, 2 kids, housewife? Well, in the LA suburbs seems that he could be!
Nancy botwin has to find a way of havin money as her husband died, so she has became a weed dealer! She buys to a black, original, business-woman kind, grandma and she sells to her neighboor, her accountant, and in fact to a lot more people that you can imagine!
In the city you discover that weed smoker has not always the unpolitically correct! From lawyer to baker everybody need a little bit of happyness^^

Don' wait any longer : go buy the DVD (of course^^) and watch it NOW!
It's one of the best series that have been made!


Dexter : are there good psycho up there? 13/20

Dexter Morgan works for the LAPD forensics with his sister Debra, until now everything's normal... but Dexter has a secret, and not a little, he is a psychopath : he can't feel anything but he has a need to kill. Thanks to his dad, who has discover that when Dexter was young, Dexter follow some rules leading him to keep free and not to be arrested. He can kill only "bad" people, and he has learned everything not to let a clue on the place of his crimes.

The series makes you questioning a lot about how we feel as human beings, and at some point the vice of the character is not always far from ours.

To watch if you've nothing of a psycho, otherwise it could give you bad ideas^^



Pushing daisies : the marsh mallow world 15/20

Far from reality lies Pushing daisies : between Amelie from montmartre and Big fish, it's a trip in a wonderland!
Since childhood Ned has develop the ability to make the people coming back from the dead just by touching once them. But this come with a price : if he touches them once again then the dead is dead forever, and after a minute someone else has to die.
Grown up he has opened a pie shop and has become a pie maker. On special circumstances a private detective has discover this ability and now they work as a team to resolve unsolved murders. Most of the time it's very easy to them ... thanks to Ned ability they have just to ask to the dead how it happened!
But something happened that changed his life : on of their cases lead him to ressurect his childhood lover : "chuck", and after a minute he could not thougt of letting her died forever so he let her live!
But she lives with a specific forbidden : she can not touch the pie maker, on any circumstances!

This strange series has caught my attention and i'm not usually on that kind of fairy tale. It's not too much, it's not too unreal, it's just a happy world on the surface and it's not always as clean as we saw!

If you're looking for a replacement to "sleeping beauty" in a grown up way then choose Pushing daisies!!


mardi 18 mars 2008

Skins : addicted to life 16/20

If you wanna know what english high school teenagers are able to do in order to feel alive then you're gonna be hallucinated. Drugs, sex, drugs, sex, teachers, party, friendship, betrayal : nothing's left for them.
The story present 6 original caracters in Bristol and every episode is focused on one of them.
Filmed in a documentary way the series is a phenomenon! Never falling in a "already seen in better" or "too extrem, not realistic a all" the series enhance your questionning about what is right and what is wrong!

The series is too good to be missed so don't hesitate!


mardi 4 mars 2008

Doctor Who : the Hitchhiker guide to the universe ! 19/20

What would you do if you were nearly invincible, last of your kind and capable of time and space travel? Here's your answer!

With genius ideas, magical actors, original scenarios, and English humour, Doctor Who the series has been the Graal of the sci-fi series.

The original series
First aired in 1963 the original series has influenced a generation of English, and has became a part of the British popular culture. It’s the
longest-running science fiction series ever.

The Doctor is a,so-to-speak, alien ; but in fact he looks human but he is kind of invincible and has two hearts. He’s open-minded, the best scientist you could ever met, extravagant, smiley, optimistic. In a way he is exactly what I think you would be if you had his power, not a killing machine but a perfect human being : acceptant, optimistic, always ready to help and to live!

I won’t speak about the original because I hadn’t too much time to see episodes, which are difficult to find, the series having stopped in 1989.

The 2005 series
It has run for 3 seasons since now and it’s all for the best! The doctor has been renewed on a better way.

In season 1 the actor playing the doctor is cool but not to be remembered, but the scenarios has always something magic, despite the fact that they have not a big budget for the series, which made it more efficient in a way! Episodes makes you laugh, cry and think, it’s a kind of philosophical trip.

In season 2 appears the most incredible actor ever: David Tenant, playing the Doctor, who’s totally bluffing. He is THE Doctor, he is exactly what the Doctor should be, so extravagant that just hearing it makes you smile! Even if you don’t like the series, you can’t do not like him!

What else?

Not to spoil the series too much I’m just going to speak of the effects of the series on you.

Every episode there’s something special, like a special face of the doctor, which you have never seen in anybody, or a sentence so fantastically found that you can not stop to rehearse it! For example (when you will hear it you would understand ) : judoon platoon in the moon.

So just an advice : stop whatever you’re doing and go watch this series !!!!!

Have Fun,
