dimanche 23 mars 2008

Pushing daisies : the marsh mallow world 15/20

Far from reality lies Pushing daisies : between Amelie from montmartre and Big fish, it's a trip in a wonderland!
Since childhood Ned has develop the ability to make the people coming back from the dead just by touching once them. But this come with a price : if he touches them once again then the dead is dead forever, and after a minute someone else has to die.
Grown up he has opened a pie shop and has become a pie maker. On special circumstances a private detective has discover this ability and now they work as a team to resolve unsolved murders. Most of the time it's very easy to them ... thanks to Ned ability they have just to ask to the dead how it happened!
But something happened that changed his life : on of their cases lead him to ressurect his childhood lover : "chuck", and after a minute he could not thougt of letting her died forever so he let her live!
But she lives with a specific forbidden : she can not touch the pie maker, on any circumstances!

This strange series has caught my attention and i'm not usually on that kind of fairy tale. It's not too much, it's not too unreal, it's just a happy world on the surface and it's not always as clean as we saw!

If you're looking for a replacement to "sleeping beauty" in a grown up way then choose Pushing daisies!!


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